OnlineThe Potemkin trade deal with New Zealand. by Office May 6, 2022 May 6, 2022Briefings for Britain, May 6 2022, Catherine McBride The UK would benefit from importing the food that New Zealand produces more efficiently… Read more FacebookTwitterEmail
OnlineProtectionist amendments to the Agriculture Bill could squander a once-in-a-generation opportunity by Office May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020Owen Paterson discusses the opportunities for UK agriculture in Brexit, and how protectionist policies and laws would prevent these becoming reality. Read more FacebookTwitterEmail
OnlineFarming Matters: Owen Paterson – ‘The UK can rise to the great challenge of this century’ by Office March 29, 2020 March 29, 2020Owen Paterson MP calls on the government to allow more flexibility in farming regulation and allow greater scientific innovation. Read more FacebookTwitterEmail