The Telegraph, 16 July 2020, John Longworth
We helped save Brexit from the Remainers, but they left us with a poison pill in the Withdrawal Agreement which we have to fix, or bin.
Many Leavers last year were ready to throw in the towel, and hoped somehow to ameliorate the Chequers Treaty once we had left, notwithstanding that this created a prison for the UK which was actually worse than remaining.
But I would not have it, nor would the so-called “Spartans” in Parliament, and there were others campaigning outside Parliament who also would not acquiesce.
The European elections that followed turned the tide. The irony that EU elections should seal the fate of Brexit is mind-boggling. For it was not just crucial to get away from the awful deal, more importantly it was so very important to have a Brexit supporting leadership, government and UK Parliament, without which any deal would be forfeit.
In those EU elections, the people of Britain voted once again for Brexit, so convincingly that it paved the way for Boris Johnson to sweep to power – who had a narrow window in which to escape from the worst element of the Chequers Treaty, the Withdrawal Agreement, which was keeping us trapped in the EU Customs Union. It was just enough to create a defensible position. More importantly, it was a platform to sweep away a Remainer Parliament and create a Brexit government.
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